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Shotover Camera Systems
Virtual Production
VFX Array
Helicopter Filming
Multi-Camera Virtual Production
Multi Camera Array


Rotor Head offers Australia’s only specialised Helicopter Filming based multi camera array customised & Shotover K1 “The Hammer Head.”


The array is configured with 3 Red Digital Cinema 8K Monstro Cameras and low distortion full frame lenses.  We can deliver 180 degree angle of view allowing stitched high resolution, colour matched and synchronised content for Volume environments and Virtual Production.


Alternatively we can deliver Helicopter Aerial Filming of three angles of view from the individual Red Cameras for VFX  plate acquisition.

Rotor Head Award Winning Helicopter Pilots

Rotor Head Award Winning Helicopter Pilots

Aerial Filming Australia

Aerial Filming Australia

David Knight ACS

David Knight ACS

Australia Wide Helicopter Filming

Australia Wide Helicopter Filming

Aerial Cinematographer

Aerial Cinematographer

Duncan Packington ATPL (H) Head of Flying Operations

Duncan Packington ATPL (H) Head of Flying Operations

Multi Camera Array Customised & Shotover K1

Multi Camera Array Customised & Shotover K1

Shotover F1 & K1

Shotover F1 & K1

Multi Camera Array

Multi Camera Array

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